We are trying our best to get all our travels in as much as possible before the new baby comes and we are just too tired for anything fun. We have had a fun packed summer and feel blessed for the great news of a healthy baby boy. This summer we drove all through the south to Florida getting to travel through states that we have never been (Louisiana, Mississippi & Alabama). Shortly upon our return we had my youngest sister, Julia, come visit for a month from Montana. When it came time for us to return her, we all flew to Salt Lake City to meet my brother, John's, newest son (4 under 4...Banks) and then took the next week driving to Montana through Utah and Idaho.
Full time in maternity clothes 15 weeks and 15lbs already. Just getting wider and fuller in the face each day. Since blogger says I exceeded my quota for photo storage, you can't see the 4d ultrasound. Those will have to follow at a later date. The photo above was from Hanna's school science feely fair today as I am 22~23 weeks along.Hayden started swim therapy and started kicking his legs back and not just curling them up.
A lunch stop in NOLA with the kids was enough on our way to Florida.
Best beach I have ever been to. Hanna swims like a fish. Wonderful trip enjoyed with our friends the Estrada family.
Scott carried Hayden in the backpack and he loved making sand castles.
Sister Julia (15) came and stayed a whole blessed month with us and swam nearly every day with Hanna. This teenager was a pure delight. I really could use another mini mom in my house.Hayden finally got a hot summer play date and pretended to drive a fire truck with BFF Josiah.
Hanna & Hayden photo bombing Drake and Bubba in Utah.
Hayden playing with cousins Drake and Conrad in Utah.
Gwen and Ralph came all the way to MT to visit all the Montana Hannas and wish Scott and Anna (50th) a happy birthday.
One of our many stops along the way. Julia loved riding between the two kids for 12 hrs.
What you don't have a horse and tepee in your back yard?! Well my dad does!

Yes I am the oldest of 10 kids and yet my family adopted one more, Kyle, on the far right now serving a LDS mission in Russia. The only kid missing from this picture is my brother, Porter, serving a 2 year LDS mission in Brazil.
Hayden found Mater in Red Lodge, MT and had to give him a kiss.
My brother Michael and his wife Kelley on our trip to the Billings, MT temple.
I will try and do my best to update my blog as long as blogger doesn't keep trying to stop my photo uploading. Next up...Hayden is getting his new power wheelchair any day. We are so excited after waiting nearly a whole year.